Monday 28 July 2014

[Movie Download] The Expendables 3 (High Definition)

A high quality version of “The Expendables 3,” apparently ripped from a DVD screener, is now making the rounds of torrent sites, three weeks before the film is slated to hit theatres. And the damage from the movie being out there could be substantial. “The Expendables 2” earned over $300 million worldwide, and this sequel brings an even bigger cast, with bigger stars. Will it affect the box office? Does the average moviegoer care enough (or even know how) to torrent a movie like this?
Those questions that will surely be answered once the results come in on opening day, but be warned if you’re feeling curious about downloading the rip: Nu Image sued 23,000 BitTorrent users in 2011 for downloading “The Expendables,” and the authorities eventually caught up with the guy who uploaded ‘Wolverine’ too, so you might be better off paying for the movie at the multiplex instead of trying to save a few bucks.

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